> Crime and Punishment
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2024)
> The Sothebys
> Pocklington and the Sea
> Historical Horrors
> Allerthorpe Walk
> D-Day talk
> The 2024 AGM & Talk
> 18th Century Pocklington
> Two Short Talks
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2023)
> Old Shops part 2
> Pocklington Local History Group
  20th Mar 2025 - Mapping & AGM

> Pocklington Local History Group
  28th Mar 2025 - Revealing the shield

> Pocklington Local History Group
  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
Woldgate History Woldgate History

"A History of Woldgate School"

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* Fully illustrated
* Only £5.00
epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

* Peter Halkon
* Summary of
Pocklington Archaeology
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Heritage Trail Heritage Trail

"A Pock History & Heritage Trail"

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People and Places Thumb Old Pock

"People and Places of Old Pocklington"

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Adieu WW1 Book

"Adieu to dear old Pock"

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  * 299 soldiers
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PDLHG Newsletters
#1 Oct 2020
#2 Dec 2020
#3 May 2021

Corkers Gala in 1950
In August 1950, a Rag and Gala Day was held which was organised by the Pocklington and District Corkers club a charity fund raising association..
Lord Irwin





A Wild West flavour was the theme of the Pocklington event of 1950. The mounted trio of cowboys form part of the Corker's Rag procession, that traditionally formed the basis of the July Gala day for the town.

The Cork Club - Corkers as they came to be known - was a group of like minded people who raised funds for various charitable purposes in the town, particularly to help those fallen on hard times. As their Gala programme stated: 'In a welfare state, a man who is true to his better self and prompted by love of his fellow man cannot rest content to leave the State to dispense relief by schedule to its less fortunate members, but must find some outlet for his finer instincts to enable himself to bring health, happiness and comfort to his brother man. Hence such a man combines with others similarly prompted into an organisation such as the Cork Club which, by sacrifice of time, leisure and money, takes care of our brethren in distress.'
The Gala covered a diversity of activities suitable for a summer day. One fifties programmed described how, in the afternoon, a highland pipe band led a parade through the town, followed by wheelbarrow and pram races from Figg's Garage to Railway Street. There were fancy dress competitions. Gala Queen, dog show, tug-of-war and sheep dog demonstrations. As the parade reached Burnby Hall's sports field, it was time for American Square dancing, a visit to the baby show or the menagerie, or a gentle watch of the sheaf throwing competition. It all ended with a motor cycle display billed as 'thrills with flames'.

Pocklington still continues a fine tradition of supporting charity and worthwhile causes, with groups such as Lions, Truckers, Round Table, The British Heart Foundation, the Defibrillator Appeal, the Sandra Kay Trust, Children's causes, animal welfare, the blind, the disabled, and many, many more.