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Chapmangate Chapmangate
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The Extent of Pocklington in 1260
From: Yorkshire Inquisitions, Page 75
Writ dated at Westminster, 1 Aug., 44th year of the reign of Henry III (1260).

Please note that Barbara English has revisted the original document and has given a more accurate transcrption and is available here.

From Yorkshire Inquisitions – P. 75
The Extent of Pocklington in 1260

  1. william de fortibus, earl of ALBEMARLE.b


Inq. p m.

[44 hen. III.   No. 26.] Writ dated at Westminster, 1 Aug., 44th year (1260).

EXTENT of the manor of Pockeling[ton] made by Thomas son of Bartholomew, Thomas de Fyenes, Robert Puntif, Richard Marshal (marescall'), Richard Godard, Richard de Herlethorpe,
Roger son of William of Meltenby, Ralph son of Mariota of Fangefosse, Nicholas of Saint James, William [son of] Thomas of Brunneby, Thomas de Hundegate of the same, and Thomas Young (juvenem) of Pockelington.

The capital messuage with the enclosure (cum toto clause) is worth by the year, 2s. There are twenty-four bovates of land in demesne; a bovate with meadow worth half a marc (6s. 8d.), and without meadow, 5s.                                                                                                                              Sum, £8.

Remigius de Pockelington holds six bovates of land, paying for each, 2s. 2d.         Sum, 13s.

Sixty-six bovates of land are held by the sokemen of Pocklington, each bovate yielding by the year 20d.                                                                                                                                         Sum, 110s.

The works of the said sokemen are these :—Each one ought to plough once in winter before Christmas-day, according to the plough which he has. He who has no plough ought to find one for half a carucate of land. He ought also to plough once in spring in the same manner. The ploughmen (carucatores) ought to have to eat, wheaten-bread and flesh (panem frum et carnem), and ale to drink in winter, while they have day (dum diem habent), in spring wheaten-bread and fish to eat, and ale to drink, during their day's work. Every tenant of one bovate of land ought to find one harrow (herciam) in winter and another in spring, like one who holds two bovates, except six men who hold twelve bovates, of whom every one ought to find two harrows in winter and two others in spring. The harrowers ought to have to eat, wheaten-bread and flesh or fish once a day. Every horse (caballus) shall have one sheaf (garbam) of oats in spring while the harrowers are eating, but in winter none. Also every one ought to find a man to hoe for one day, with food like the harrowers. Every tenant of one bovate ought to find a man to reap in autumn for two days, like him who holds two bovates, except six men who hold twelve bovates, each of whom ought to find two men to reap two days, who are to eat once a day, and have wheaten-bread with flesh one day, and fish the other, with pottage (potagio). Every tenant of one bovate ought to give two-pence for mowing meadow, like the tenant of two bovates, except six men holding twelve bovates, each of whom is to give four-pence. Also every one of them ought to find a man to turn the hay (ad fenum levandum) in meadows for one day, without food, except six who are each to find two men. Every bovate ought to carry one cart-load of hay and one cart-load of corn, without food.
It should be known that every ploughing is worth in winter, without food, 2d., and in spring 2d.; every harrowing without food ½d.; hoeing one day without food, ½d.; mowing without food, ½d.; turning hay in meadow without food, ½d. Every cart carrying hay or corn, is worth ½d.
Sum of the works in money, 27s. 6d.

Work of one bovate without food, 5d., and so one bovate yields with farms and services, 25d.
The aforesaid sokemen hold one culture by itself contain­ing forty acres, called Northmor, which yields yearly half a marc. Every tenant of land owes suit of court, his relief,  16s., amercement, 5s. 4d.; and their merchete, 5s. 4d.

There are eighteen cottars, each of whom yields yearly 12d.. and ought to find one man to hoe, which is worth a halfpenny, also one man to reap in autumn two days, with food. The works of two days, without food, are worth one penny. He ought to find one man to turn hay for a day, and one man to make hay in the court, without food, worth one penny. He ought also to go with serjeants in socage to make summonses and distresses, worth a halfpenny; and to keep prisoners in fetters (et debet custodire captives in compedibus').
Sum of one cottar's work 3d., and so every cottar yields with farms and all services 15d.
Sum, 22s. 6d

Moreover there are two more cottars who ought not to go with serjeants in socage, or keep prisoners in fetters, because each does the same works as the tenant of one bovate (except suit), and yields yearly 2s., one cottar's work, without food, being worth 5d.
Sum, 2s. 10d.
There are four gresmen who hold messuages, each having four acres of land and yielding for farm . . .   Each does the same works as the cottars but does not go with serjeants in socage, or keep prisoners. He has to carry his lord's writs within the East Riding (Haustriding) but not to go beyond the Great Waters. (Magnas aquas in the original—Probably the river Humber.) These four gresmen shall carry .... meadow for the lord's use when he stays there, and make the hearth before him, having food, the service of one gresman being worth by the year . . . and so he yields with farm and all services 22d.
Sum, 7s.4^d.

The said sokemen ought to grind at the Earl's mill to the sixteenth measure (ad xvj. vasculum-), from the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula (1 Aug.) to Christmas-day, and from that day to the aforesaid feast (1 Aug.) "ad vicesimum vasculum"

Moreover two acres of wood may be sold every year (at half a marc the acre) for one marc. There are three mills, worth in common years 13 marcs; toll with fairs (nundinis) of S. Margaret of Pokelington is worth in common years 100s. ; and herbage of the wood, 12d. Herbage of the field, nothing, because common. One oven (furnus) yields yearly 5s.
Adam Fuller and Thomas Taylor yield yearly for incre­ments of their tofts 20d.
The perquisites of Pockelington are worth by the year 20s.
Gilbert Carpenter and William son of Ralph Smith yield for their willows, each one pound of cumin, worth one penny.
The Baron of Graystoke holds in Beleby, (Bielby) of the Earl, six carucates of land for 8.s. rent; Sir William fitz Ralph of Crimp-thorpe holds 18 carucates for £4 8s.7½d.; Ralph de Lascelles, 27 bovates in Brunneby, (Burnby) for 20s.; and they all do suit.
The Earl had by purchase—in Gevildale (Givendale) half a carucate, worth 10s., and in Meltenby (Meltonby) 2½bovates, worth 16s. He had in Gevildale half a carucate of the land of Sir William the Parson, taken into his hand for default of service, and worth yearly 10s.
Sir Thomas son of William de Belkerthorpe holds in Ulvestorpe four carucates for 19s.4d. rent, and does suit. Hugh de Yoltorpe holds in the same two carucates for 3s. 6d., and does no suit. Sir Thomas son of William de Belkertorpe holds in Fangefosse 18 bovates for 2s. 30'. Remigius de Pockelington holds in Meltenby one carucate for 8s. Robert Tully holds half a bovate for i2d. Roger Haphel one acre for (id), James son of William of Meltenby one acre for 1d., Roger Bargayn one acre for (1d.).

Sum, .£9 6s.11½d

Thomas de Fienes for one toft and increment of one toft, 6d.; William son of Auger, one toft for . . . ; Richard son of Everard for increment of his toft, 2d.; Robert Daunsel for one toft, 2s.; Robert Foxe for one toft, 12d. ; William son of the Chaplain (f cap'li) for one toft, 12d.; Beatrice at the Kirk-stile (ad scalar ecclesie) for one toft, 18d.; Henry Coksauel for one toft, 18d.; Henry de Maghneby for one toft, 12d.; William Chaplain for one toft, 4d.; Remigius for forges, 6d.: Richard Baker (pistor) for two tofts, 2s.; Ralph de Belton for one toft, 18d.; Hervey (Heruisius or Hernisius) Milner for one toft, 12d.; Yvo in the (?) Chamber (Camera) for one toft, 16d.; William Godard for one toft, 2s. 2d.; William Hill (de Monte) for one toft, 14d.; Peter Hill (de Monte) for one toft, 12d.; John son of Richard for one toft, 12d.; Geoffrey Chapman (mercator) for one toft, 9d. ; Roger son of Julian (or Juliana) and Richard Baker (pistor) for one toft, 2s. 6d.; Alan Marshal (marescallus) for one toft, 12d.; William de Meltenby for one toft, 12d.; Walter le (Surais?) for one toft, 10d.

Sum, 27s. 5d.
Sum of all the sums, £44 2s. 8½d.
The Baron of Craistoke for his land of Beleby, Sir William fitz Ralph (filius Rad'i) of Crimpthope, Sir Thomas son of William de Belkerthorpe, Ralph de Lascelles, Hugh de Yol-thorpe, and the sokemen of Pockelington ought to be talliated when the King talliates his demesnes, and this by the King's writ.
Neither the King in his time, nor the Earl in his time, had any several pasture.
The Earl held this manor of the King for one mewed hawk (uno niso mutato). Thomas is his son and heir, but his age is not known.