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> Pocklington Local History Group
  28th Mar 2025 - Revealing the shield

> Pocklington Local History Group
  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
Woldgate History Woldgate History

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epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

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PDLHG Newsletters
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Indenture of Thomas Plaxton 1585
This indenture hangs in the Old Court House in George Street. The transcription below is with it and is written in old English. Interestingly the Yorkshire accent can be detected in the wording, which is written phonetically.

1585 indentureTHIS   INDENTUR maid  the eightenth daie of maie  the  seven  and  twentie years of the reigne  of  our  Sov'rigne  Ladye  Elizabeth  by  the grace of  god of England France and Ireland quen defendres of  the  faith etc.     BETWEEN Richard Owstibie of Heslington in  the  countie  of   Yorke  husbandman   on  thone  partye  And Thomas  Plaxton of pocklington  in  the  said  countie  of   Yorke  butcher on  thother  partie. Wittness that  the  said  Richard  Owstibie  for  the  Some  of   Thirtie  and fyve poundes of lawful english money  to him  in  hand  paid  by  the  said  Thomas  Plaxton before thensealinge of  theis  presentes  whereof  and wherew'th  the  said  Richard Owstibie knowledgeth himself  to be fullie  satisfied contented  and paid  and the  said Thomas  Plaxton heires  executores  administores  and  assignes  thereof  clearelie  acquiteth and dischargeth by  theis presentes for ever.     HATH  BARGAINED and sold  by theis presentes doth bargaine  and  clearlie  sell  unto  the  said  Thomas  Plaxton all  that his mesuage one  croft of  arable  land  to  the  said mesuage adioyninge w'th all  howses andbuildinges gardinges  w'th  theire  app'tenances  lyinge  and beinge  in the  towne fieldes of pocklington  aforesaid  and also one  leath or barne now in the the teunre of Will'm  lambe  w'ch mesuage  w'th  app'tenances   is  scituate between  the mesuaqe of Rob'te  Sotheby gentleman   on  the east  syd  and  the mesuage of  the  said Richard Owstibie on  the west  syde  in  a certaine  street  there called  Chapmangate  And  the said croft lyeth at  thend  of  the garth of  the  said mesuage  in a certaine fourlong called  Kirklandes    And  the  said  leath or barne  standeth at  the  easte end of one other mesuage of  the  said Richard  Owstibie now in  the  tenure of one James boniton TOGETHER w'th  all   evydences  deedes  charteres wrytinges and meminentes concerninqe' onelie  the  premyses  w'th  app'tenances or any parcell  thereof w'ch the said Richard Owstibie  or any other  person or  persons  to his  use hath or have  that may lawfullie be  comed by w'th owte  sewte  in  the  law all  w'ch evydences deedes charters wrytinges and meminents the  said Richard  Owstibie  covenanteth  and grannteth by theis presentes to delyver or cause  to be delyvejred  to the  said Thomas Plaxton his heires and  assignes  on  this  syde  and  before  the  feast of  penticost next comying after the daie of  the date  hereof.     TO HAVE  AND TO HOULD  the  said mesuage croft barne and all  other  the  premyses w'th  thapp 'tenances unto  the  said  Thomas  Plaxton his heires and  assignes   to  the  onelie  use  of  the  said Thomas  Plaxton his heires and assignes for  ever.     AND THE SAID Richard  Owstibie covenanteth and grannteth  by theis presentes  for him his  heires  and  assignes  to and w'ch the  said Thomas  Plaxton his heires  and assignes  That he  the  said  Richard  Owstibie his heires or assignes before the  feast of  St Michaell  tharchanngell  next comyng  after  the date  hereof at the request costes  and charges  in  the  law(?)   of  the  said Thomas  Plaxton his heires and assignes  shall  not onelie make  or cause  to  be maid unto the  said Thomas Plaxton his heires  and assignes  a good  sewer  sufficient  lawful  and indificable an estate  in the law of  fee  symple  of  in  and upon  the  said mesuage  croft  barne and other  the premyses  w'th  thapp ' tenances and  every parte  and parcell   thereof.     But also that he  the  said Richard  Owstibie  his  heires  and assignes  and  Isabell  his wyfe and  all other  person  and  persons  havinge  claiming or pretending  to have any state right Tythe  Use or   Interest of  in or upon  the  said mesuage croft  Barne w'th thapp'tenances or of  or  in  any parte or parcell of  the  same  at  the  like costes and charges and request of  the   said Thomas  Plaxton  his heires  and assignes at all and every tyme and tymes during  fyve yeares next  ensewing  the daie of  the date hereof Shall do knowledge  and  suffer  or cause  to  be done knowledged  and  suffered to be done against them and every of  them all  and  every  such thing and  thinges,   act,   and actes assurance and assurances w'ch by  the  said  Thomas  Plaxton his  heires and assignes or by his  and theire counsell   learned  in  the  law for the  fourther  sewertie and assurance of  the  said Thomas  Plaxton his  heires  and assignes to be hadd of in and upon  the  said mesuage croft barne  and all other  the premyses w'th thapp ' tenances or  any parte  or parcell  thereof  Shalbe     reasonably advysed or devysed,   Be yt by fyne  feofment rect(?)  every deed enowled release w'th warrantie against all men or  otherwyse.     AND ALSO THE  SAID Richard  Owstibie  covenanteth and grannteth  theis presentes  for  him his  heires  and  assignes  to  and w'th  the  said  Thomas  Plaxton nis. heires and assignes  That he  the  said Richard Owstibie  the daie of making islawfully possessed and seased  in  his demeane  as of  fee  to the  onelie  use or the said  Richard  Owstibie his  heires  and assignes of  in and  upon  the  said mesuage croft barne  and  all other  the  premyses  w'th  thapp ' tenances and every parte and parce thereof   And  that  he maie  lawfully  Bargaine  sell  convey and  assure  the  same    o said  Thomas  Plaxton  his  heires  and  assignes  in manner aforesaid.     AND THAT SAID mesuage croft barne  and  all  other  the  premyses w'th  thapp 'tenances of  makinge hereof  are  and  be  and  from hence  fourth  shall  continew clearely discharged  and  saved  harmless  by  the  said  Richard  Owstibie his  heires and assignes of  all  foremer bargaines  sales,   Titles  of   Inheritance,  Jointers, Dowers,   leases,   Uses  Statutes merchannte,   statutes  of  the  staple recognisances and  of  all  other charges  and  incumbrances whatsoever  then  be  the  rentes and frices(?)   thereof  from henceforth dew to  the cheife,   lord of  the  fee thereof onely  excepted.      IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF  to  theis  presentes   the  parties  above said Interchangeablie have  put  theire  seales  the daie  and yeare fyrstabove wrytten Ano dm'   1585.

Sealled  and delyvered  in the presence of John  Plaxton,  John  Lambe, Will'm Lambe, James Boniton (Boulton?) and Thomas ffallofeild