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Market Place Market Place
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Regent Street Regent Street
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Chapmangate Chapmangate
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Pocklington Church Old Documents
The following Article is from the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Volume 14, Page 85. It was written by Alex. D.H. Leadman.
When the Valor Ecclesiasticus was made in 1534 Pocklington Church** and its Chantry were valued as follows :—
Poklyngton vicaria valet clare p ann..........................x........ ij....... -
.........Xma pars inde...............................................- xx. ij. ob.
Poklyngton cantar' valet clare p ann..........................- xlvi. viij.
.........Xma pars inde................................................- iiij. viij.

Chantry Certificate, York.***
[Circa 1303]

No. 66. temp. Edward VI.

108. The Chaunterye of Our Lady in the parisshe of Poklynton.

William Mody the Incumbent, of the foundacon of Roger son of Remvge of Poklynton dated viij"1 day of Aprell in the yere of Our Lorde God Mcccij [c.1303] in the yere of the raigne of Edward the son of Henrici xxxth to thentente to pray for the souls of the sayd founders and all Crispen soules and to mynistre in the sayd Chapeli, There be within the same D.C. (600) howslyug people and above.
The same Chaunterye is wythyn the sayd parysshe Churche of Poklynton the necessite therof is to do divyne service and helpe to mynstre sacramentes, There is no landes tenementes alienatyd nor solde sithe the iiijth day of Februarye Anno Regni Regis Henrici viij'1 xxvij.
Goodes Ornamentes and plate pertenyg to the said Chantrye as appereyth by Inventory that is to saye Goodes valued at xvs. viijd. Plate lxs. viijd,
Goodes.............................................................................xvs. viijd.
Plate.................................................................................lxs. viijd.
Firste certen landes and tenementes set lyeng and beyng in
divers places, viz: one messuage in Poklynton, in the .............s. .....d.

holdynge of Richard Howson.............................................. xviij. ......-
Item one oxgange of lande in the tenure of the sayd Richard xxiiij....... -
Item iij Oxganges lande in Ulvestrope in the parysshe of
Poklenton in the holding of Robert Trame of Maltenly........... . ix...... -
One parcelle of ground inclosed lying in the sayd Ullves-
trope in the tenure of the sayd Robert xd. in all ......................-.......... x.

Some of the sayd )
Chauntrye ).............................................................................lj.......x

Paiable yerly to the Kynges Majestie for a tenthe
Some of allowauce . .............................................................. iiij.
And so remaneth ................................................................. xlvij..... x.

From the Parliamentary Surveys of Church Lands—21 volumes made during the Commonwealth (1649) and delivered at the Restoration to Archbishop Juxon, who placed them in the Library at Lambeth Palace, where they still remain.

** VoL v. p. 141.
***For this Chantry Certificate I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Wm. Page, F.S.A.


Volume XVII. p. 372. Pocklington.

The parish Church sittuate in Pocklington the Villadge formerly disposed of by the Deane of Yorke Nowe by the Comon wealth It is worth yearely three pounds Mr. James Hudson A preaching Mynister In this Villadge there is two Chappells Alerthorp and Waplington and Yeapham and Mettonbye belonging to the same wee are of opinion that these two maye be made parishes seeing they are A myle from Pocklington and Ill waye they are allso sufficient Congregacons the privye Tythes belonging to Allerthorp and Waplington are worth yearely three pounds Francis Bland a preaching Mynister there the privye Tythes of Yeapham and Mettonbye worth yearly two pounds The tythes of Corne and haye of Pocklington Now in the hands of Sr Robert Belt and lett to him by the Deane of Yorke for three lyues which are All yett in being value yearely one hundred pounds Reserved out of this as Fee Farme yearely Rt Fowre and twentye pounds Six shillings and Eight pence.
The Tythe Wooll and Lamb of Pocklington Leased by Thomas Dickinson Alderman of Yorke worth yearely Foure pounds the Tythe Corne and haye of Allerthorp formerly the Deanes of Yorke by him Letten to Thomas Myers and Marmaduke Prickett gent three lyues yett in being in Allerthorp and two in Waplington Allerthorp worth yearely one and Fiftye pounds And Waplington fourteene pounds both of them yearely three score and Five pounds.
Payed yearely out of Allerthrop (sic) Tenn pounds and out of Waplington three pounds three shillings and Fowre pence in both Thirteene pounds three shillings and fowre pence.
The Tythe wooll and Lamb of Allerthorp Letten to Mr Thomas Dickinson thirteene pounds three shillings and Fowre pence.
The Tythes of Allerthorp and Waplington are worth three score and Five pounds yearly above the Rent of thirteene pounds three shillings and fowre pence The value thereof yearely is Tenn shillings Marmaduke Prickett formeth (sic) the Tythes of the same kinde in Waplington letten unto the said Deane unto Marmaduke Prickett for three (sic) lyues whereof two are yett lyving the said tythe worth yearely three pounds and Tenn shillings.
Oulstrop is of Pocklington parish butt much fitter to be united to Millington the Tythe Corne and haye of Yeapham and Metton bye was the late Deanes now the Comon wealths and by them given to Mr Seth Ellcocke who is now Lecturen att Pocklington they are worth yearely three score and tenn pouuds. The Tythe wooll and Lamb of Yeapham and Mettonby the late Deanes now in the hands of Thomas Dickinson and are worth yearely three pounds and Tenn shillings.
payed out of the Tythes of Yeapham and Mettonbye to the states yearely Tenn pounds.

[Page 468.] A Survey of Certaine Tithes in the Towneshipp of Pocklington and Given Dale and Millington in the County of Yorke made and taken in the moneth of December 1649.

In the Townshipp of Pocklington.

One Tithe Lathe or Barne staudinge in the Towne of pocklington on a parcell of ground or garthe on the South east side of the mannor howse betwixt ye Deanes Lane and the East, and a Barne and Backside in the occupacon of George Bradley on the South west, wch together with the Tithe Corne and haye (Redd xxiLI,) of the Towneshipp of Pocklington with the appurtennancs in the possession of Sr Robert Belt are worth upon Improvment over and abouve the reserved Rent p Ann-------- lxxxixLi. (sic).

Memorand John Scott Docr of Divinitye Deane of the Cathedrall &c metropolitticall Church of St Peeters in Yorke bye Indenture dated xxxme Maij Anno Regi Caroli Angl & 12° 1636 Demiseth to Robert Belt of the Citty of Yorke Alderman. All the Tithe Corne and haye groweing renewing and Comeinge in the Towne and Feilds of Pocklington with the appurtenfics and one parcell of ground with the appurtenncs in Pocklington wherein one Tithe Lathe or Barne is now builded Lyeinge betweene the Deanes Lane on the East side, And a Tenement Some tymes William Wormes and his wifes on the west side abuttinge on the north ende of a Tenement of the Kings Mats And at the South ende of ye South feilds of Pocklington, And one Tenemt and one Garden with the appurtenncs Lyeinge in the said Towne of Pocklington abuttinge on the East part uppon a little waye called Downe Spints, and one the west one (sic) one other Tenement appertayneing unto the said Deanry, haveinge betweene them one well, and of the South part abuttinge upon a high waye and towards the South feild of Pocklington, And of the north part uppon the markett place of Pocklington, And alsoe the one halfe of the said well with Free Liberty to have and Drawe water at the said well without Disturbance—And one Close with the appurtenncs in the said Towne of Pocklington abutt towards the East on a Tenement late William Hobsons and towards the west one a Certaine water milne called Godshawes milne appertayneinge to the said Deanry. And towards the South upon Pocklington Feilds and towards the north on Besque moore, And Fower oxgangs of Land with the Apurtenncs lyeinge in the Feilds of Pocklington and all his meadowe there with all and every of there appurtenncs To Hold from the daye of the date for and Dureinge the naturall Lives of Leonard Belt, Daniell Belt and Robert Belt Sonnes of the said Robert Belt, Payinige therefore (sic) yearly unto the said Deane and his Successors For the said Tithes and for the said parcell of ground in wch the Tithe Barne now is xxj£ And for the said Tenement and Garden xs. and for the said Close vis. viiid. And for the said Foure oxgangs of Lande & meadowes with the appurtenfics Lse. In all xxiiij£ vis. viiid at purificacon and Lammas bye equall portons (sic) but they are worthe over and above theire said Rents as is Distinguished in the Orignall Survey.

The Lives are all in beinge Viz Leonard Belt now aged 30 yeares or thereabouts, Daniell Belt now aged 27 yeares or thereabouts, Robert Belt now aged 18 yeares or thereabouts. For non payment by the Space of Forty dayes to re enter and repossesse.

[Page 472.] Memorand John Scott Docr of Divinity Deane of the Cathedrall and metropolitan Church of St Peteers of Yorke by Indent dated 22th daye of Maye Anno Dni 1634 Et Anno Regi Caroli x Mo Demised to Thomas Dolman in Pocklington in the County of Yorke gent.

All that the water milne and mill howse called the White Milne als hog^gs (sic) on mill and the water and water course to the Same belonginge withe the garthe or yeard called the milne garthe or milne Close withe the appurtenncs Sett lyeing and beinge at the South west side of Pocklington aforesaid and all that the howse or Tenement in the markett steade (sic) in Pocklington aforesaid now or late in the Tenure or occupacon of Henry Turner or his assignes, And the Garthe and all other Grounds Ediffices and buildings to the same howse or Tenemt belouginge with all and Singular the appurtenncs And all that the Chamber and Garthe or Garden in Pocklington aforesaid now or late in the occupacon of John Hide or his assignes, And all other howses buildings aud grounds to the said Chamber garthe or garden belonginge or that doth or ought of Right belonge to ye said Deane or his Successors, and was of late in the occupacon of John Hide or his assignes, And all that ye Tithes of Corne and haye of East Givingdale and parcell of and belonginge to the parish Church of great Givingdale in the said Countye Yorke, And the parcell of ground in Millington aforesaid whereon in tymes past the Tithe Barne or Lathe did stand, And all the Tithes of the winde mill late builded bye Mr. George Hall beinge in Allerthorpe in ye Countye of Yorke, And alsoe the pasturage herbage and Agistemt of East Givindale and Millington aforesaid, To Hold from the Daye of the Date unto the end of Twentye and one yeares next Followeinge Payeinge therefore yearly unto the said Deane and his Successors For the said Water Mill and other the prmisses to the same belonging iiili. vis. viiid For the said howse or Tenemt in ye occupaton of Henry Turner or his Assignes and other the premise to the same belonginge xiiiis. iiiid. And fore the said Chamber garthe or garden and other the premises to the Same belonginge iiiis. id* In all iiiilt. iiii*. id. at pentecost and Martinmas by equall portons within the Church pish of Pocklington, And alsoe Payeinge yearlye for the said Tithes of East Giviudale and Millington ix/t. And for the Tithes of the said Windemill iiis.† at Lammas and purifir by equall portons within the said pishe Church of Pocklington but they are worth upon Improvemt over and above their said Rent p Ann as they are distinguished in the pticculars.

For non payment of the said severall Rents iiili. vis. viiid. for the said water mill, or of xiis. iiiid. (sic) for the said howse or Tenement, or of iiis and id. for the said Chamber garthe or Garden to bee behinde bye the Space of Tenn dayes after either of the said Feasts on wch the same ought to bee paid Or for non payment of ye said severall Rents ixli for ye Tithes of East Givendale and Millington or of iiiis. for the Tithes of the said Winde-mill to bee behinde by ye space of two dayes after either of the said Feasts on wch the same ought to bee paid the Lease to bee void.
The Tennt to repaire the Water mill and howses and the Hedges and Fences and soe to Leave them.

There was 6 yeares in this Lease to Come the xxijth of May last past.

* The Lessee hath noe right of Herbage and Agistmt
There is noe Winde mill in Allerthorpe - nor hath the Lessee the Tithes of any though shee pay the rent of iiiis. yearly for ye same dureing her Terme.

The Viccaridge of Pocklington

The Viccar hath the Easter Booke and all small Tithes in Pocklington Owstropp Yapham and Meltonbye wch wee estimate to bee Altogether worthe Coibes Annis

Mr James Hudson is Present Incumbent. The Deane hath ye Gift of pšentačon.

Returned amoungst other things the 21the of Septr 1649. By
Henry Barker )
Ralph Hasell )
Robt White )
Richd Croxall )

An Abstract of John Lunds Lease

John Scott Docr of Divinity Deane of the Cathedrall and Metropolitticall Church of St Peeters of Yorke by Indenture dated tho 2d Novembris Anno Rege Caroli ijmo Anno Dni 1633. Demised unto John Lund of Pocklington in the County of Yorke Silkweaver, His Executors or assignes All the Tithe Corne and Sheaves of all kinde of Corne and graine, And the Tithes of Haye yearely comeinge groweinge and reneweinge within the Towne feilds and Territories of Givindale ais Geldale comonly called great Givindale, within the said County of Yorke, To Holde from the daye of the date, unto ye ende of Twentye and one yeares next following Payeing therefore yearly unto the said Deane and his Succeesors the Rent of xlvis viiid, At purificaton and michas bye equall porcons.

For non payment of the said Rent bye the Space of thirtye dayes at or uppon Haxey ate Haxby Tombe within the said Cathedrall and Metropoliticall Church (it beinge Lawfully demaunded to Reenter and repossess

There were five years to Come and unexpired in this Lease the second of November 1649

Henry Barker: Rich Croxall)
Ralphe Hassell Robt White) Surveyors

These two Last pages, are an Addičonall Survey to ye Mannor of Pocklington concerninge John Lunds Lease

Returned 16th November 1649.
By ye Surveyors above named

Exn Ra: Hall
Regist Dept