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> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2024)
> The Sothebys
> Pocklington and the Sea
> Historical Horrors
> Allerthorpe Walk
> D-Day talk
> The 2024 AGM & Talk
> 18th Century Pocklington
> Two Short Talks
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2023)
> Old Shops part 2
> Pocklington Local History Group
  20th Mar 2025 - Mapping & AGM

> Pocklington Local History Group
  28th Mar 2025 - Revealing the shield

> Pocklington Local History Group
  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
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The Old Red Lion
There is a mortgage deed reference to the "New Red Lion Inn" dated to 1780. This indicates that the Old Red Lion in Regent street must be very much older than this. When the New Red Lion was opened in the mid-eighteenth century in Pavement, the Red Lion Inn was renamed the 'Old Red Lion'. The early references to the Red Lion indicate that Regent Street was previously called Finkle Street, which must have had a 'dog-leg' route into West Green, as Railway Street was also called Finkle Street prior to 1855.
Old Red Lion
The Old Red Lion in Regent Street (Formerly Finkle Street)
Old Red Lion 2
The Old Red Lion became a Hotel when the railway arrived. The name on the sign is 'Bentley' which pre-dates the 'Wood' photo above
Landlords of the Old Red Lion
1939 Beverely Archives Compensation agreement for Loss of Licence between East Riding County Council and Tadcaster Tower Brewery Company Ltd, owners and Mrs Sarah Wood, licensee 6 Oct 1939
1939 Beverley Archives Loss of Licence 'Old Red Lion Inn', Pocklington on 20 Sep 1939
1933 Kelly's Directory Wood Sarah (Mrs.),Old Red Lion P.H.Regent st.
1929 Kelly's Directory Wood Sarah (Mrs.), Old Red Lion P.H. Regent st
1921 Kelly's Directory Wood Joseph, Old Red Lion P.H. Regent street
1913 Kelly's Directory Wood Joseph, Old Red Lion P.H. Regent street
1909 Kelly's Directory Bentley John Edward, fellmonger, & Old Red Lion P.H. Regent street
1905 Kelly's Directory Bentley Jn.Edwd.fellmngr.& Old Red Lion P.H.Regent st
1897 Kelly's Directory Bentley Jn. Edwd. fellmngr. & Old Red Lion P.H.Regent s
1892 Bulmers Directory Old Red Lion, Regent street; John Edward Bentley (and fellmonger)
1889 Kelly's Directory Beaumont George, Old Red Lion p.h. Regent street
1885 Free BMD - Deaths Dec Hugh Fowler, Age 48
1881 Census Hugh Fowler, Red Lion Inkeeper, Age 43
1879 Post Office Directory Fowler Hugh, Old Red Lion, Regent street
1871 Census Hugh Fowler, Innkeeper, Regent Street, Age 39
1864/5 Free BMD - Births Hugh Fowler arrived from Newton on Derwent where his first born was recorded. His 2nd and third George & Walter's birth dates on BMD - Q1/1864 and Q4/1865 are in Pocklington. We assume they arrived to take the inn.
1861 Census Mary Danby (Widow), Victualler, Age 68
1858 White's Directory Red Lion, (Old,) Mtth. Danby, Rst
1855 William Watson Map Matthew Danby
1851 Census Matthew Danby, Age 59, Innkeeper
1844 Easton's Directory Old Red Lion Inn, Matthew Danby (Owner John Hotham, York)
1841 Census William James, Age 50, Inn Keeper
1840 White's Directory Red Lion (Old,) Wm. James, Regent street
1834 Piggot's Directory Old Red Lion. William James. Regent st
1823 Baine's Directory Red Lion, Thos. Staveley, George st
1822-26 Beverley Archives Alehouse recognizance for Thomas Staveley of the 'Red Lion' at Pocklington. Surety Christopher Scaife, William Scaife of Pocklington, Thomas Gardam of Pocklington, roper, Thomas Fife of Pocklington, baker.
1810 Jun 12, Hull Packet Linton's Assignment - "Wheras, Henry Linton of Pocklington, in the county of York, Publican, hath, by Indenture, bearing the date 1st June Instant, assigned over all his estate and effects unto Thomas Jackson, of Allerthorpe,in the said County of York, Yeoman, the principal creditor of him, the said Henry Linton, in trust..."
1808 Jan 23, York Herald An auction "at the house of Henry Linton, the Red Lion, in Pocklington in the County of York"
1758 Beverley Archives QDT/2/15/5 Thomas Fox licenced to sell Ale
1757 Beverley Archives QDT/2/15/4 Thomas Fox licenced to sell Ale
1756 Beverley Archives QDT/2/15/3 Thomas Fox licenced to sell Ale
1755 Beverley Archives QDT/2/15/2 Thomas Fox licenced to sell Ale
1754 Beverley Archives QDT/2/15/1 Thomas Fox licenced to sell Ale
1752 April 28, York Courant
"Thomas Fox
Having taken the Red Lion Inn at Pocklington where Mrs Smeathman lately lived, gentlemen, Tradesmen, and others, will meet with civil usage and Good Entertainment by
Their most humble servant
Thomas Fox
1750 Dec. Parish Register Burial: Thomas Smeathman Innkeeper
1744 Beverley Archives QSF/145.C/24 - Recognizance of Richard Bell yeoman and Thomas Smeathman innkeeper both of Pocklington: - appearance of R.B.
1737 Beverley Archives QSF/118/C/8 - Thomas Smoothman innkeeper and Thomas Houlden maltster both of Pocklington: - appearance of Anne Williamson wife of Williamson (sic) of Pocklington labourer for theft of barley (property of John Boldock of Pocklington yeoman).
1733 Beverley Archives QSF/102/C/9 - Recognizance of Martin Smith linen weaver, Richard Cross mercer and William Greensides innholder all of Pocklington: - M.S. to answer complaint of Thomas Smeathman and his wife for breach of the peace.
1729 Beverley Archives QSF/85/D/8 - Recognizance of Richard Cross gentleman, and Thomas Smoothman innholder both of Pocklington: - for misbehaviour towards Edward Barnard esquire, J.P.
1723 Beverley Archives QSF/62/C/20/2 - Recognizance of Thomas Berry of Givendale and Thomas Smoothman of Pocklington victuallers: - T.B. for helping William Ward escape as QSF/62/C/20/1

If you wish to add to the story of the Red Lion, or correct any of the above information, then please contact me.