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Pocklington Church Inscriptions
The following Article is from the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Volume 14, Page 85. It was written by Alex. D.H. Leadman and published in 1898. The town cemetary was consecrated by the Archbishop of York on 10th August 1857.


Inscriptions in the Churchyard.

This ancient place of burial, now closed by an Order in Council (5 April, 1857), has been in use for over 600 years, and it is calculated about 20,000 interments have been made therein. It is commonly said that this churchyard has been encroached on in times past. No old stones remain. There is the head of an incised cross built into the outer wall of the north aisle. It has most likely belonged to some early priest, and cannot be dated later than 1100.
The inscriptions oommenoe at the west end, along the north, east and
south sides to the west end again. They are as near as possible given row by row, and are all shortened. Many are much weatherworn.

Novoe amioos dum paras veteres cole. Interred here in contiguous graves are tho remains of Thomas Brown, clerk, vicar of Blacktoft in East Yorkshire, the respected Curate of this parish above 25 years, and for 23 years Usher of Pocklington Free Grammar School*, Died 28 Feb. 1838, aged 78. Elizabeth, his wife, died 10 Jan. 1836, aged 76. Requiescant in pace. (*Appointed Usher 1811, became stone-deaf in 1817.)

William Hornby, surgeon, Pocklington, died Feb. 19. 1820, aged 66. Also 5 children. William died in infancy. John died March 30. 1800, aged 12. William died June 23. 1801, aged 9. Ann died April 29. 1819, aged 17. John died July 31. 1819 aged 19. Elizabeth, his wife, died August 25. 1833 aged 78.

Thomas Cook died Aug. 7. 1836, aged 67. Ellen, his daughter, died Feb. 15. 1836, aged 28. Rachael, his daughter, died May 13. 1836, aged 11. Rachael, wife of Thomas Cook jun died July 28. 1848, aged 28.

Elizabeth ........... grandmother of Elizabeth Robinson died Nov. 14 1790,
aged 80.

John Todd, butcher, died Dec. 31. 1838, aged 66. Ann, his wife, died Jan. 8. 1835, aged 68. Henry, their son, died Feb. 10. 1836, aged 18. Robert Todd, shoemaker died Sept. 30. 1836, aged 69.

Robert Todd died Oct. 18. 1802, aged 66. Mary, his wife, died Oct. 27. 1808, aged 69. Henry, Son of John and Ann Todd, died Aug. 18. 1816, aged 6 months. William, son of Robert and Mary Todd died July 5. 1827, aged 68.

Robert Todd died Sept. 80. 1836, aged 69. Mary, his wife, died March 27. 1854, aged 77.

Eliza Barr died March 14. 1818, aged 11 months.

James Scaife died May 23. 1840, aged 75. John Scaife died April 4. 1817 aged 22. Jane wife of James Scaife, and aunt to John, died March 1. 1819, aged 49.

Edward Dans n died Aug. 27. 1849, aged 67. Mary, his wife, and daughter of Robert Dolman Esq of Pocklington Manor, died Jan. 5. 1860, aged 84. Juliana Teresa, their second daughter, died Dec. 28. 1844, aged 37. Matilda Maria died Feb. 17. 1856, aged 40.

William Hudson died April 26. 1819, aged 62.

William Hudson, butterfactor, died Dec. 20. 1804, aged 79. Mary, his wife, died March 10. 1814, aged 79. Mary, wife of Henry Hudson, butterfactor, died April 13. 1814, aged 50.

Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Fife, died Sept. 20. 1820 aged 48.

Mary, wife of Thomas Fife, died Nov. 11. 1843, aged 50. Mary, their daughter, died in infancy. Thomas Fife died Jan......1851, aged 70.

Daniel Harland died Feb. 18. 1825, aged 44. Jane, his wife, died April 24 1821, aged 26. Also their infant child.

William Johnson died Dec. 24. 1847, aged 74. Ann, his wife, died Sopt 10. 1850, aged 84. William, their son, died in America Oct. 28. 1849, aged 49.

William Smith died Sept. 24. 1780, aged 35. Mary, his wife, died March 30.1804, aged 59.

Thomas Young died Oct. 6,1821, aged 80.

William Richardson died Sept. 4. 1834, aged 74. Ann, His wife, died May 21. 1826, aged 56. Harriet, their daughter, died April 17. 1826, aged 15.

Hannah, daughter of William and Ann Richardson, died May 11. 1821, aged 19.

Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Collinson, common brewer, died Aug. 21. 1824, aged 83. Sarah, his daughter and wife of James Tindale died Dec. 30. 1838, aged 50.

Wm, son of Elisha and Helen Collinson, died Aug. 16. 1818, aged 19.

Wm Collinson, common brewer, died May 1. 1820, aged 70.

Helen, wife of Elisha Collinson, malster and brewer of Pocklington, died May 21. 1837, aged 68. John, their youngest son, died Feb. 18. 1839, aged 36. Elisha Collinson died June 20. 1840, aged 65. (mural tablet.)

Wm. Balk, of Kilnwick Percy, died Oct 1. 1852, aged 35.

Two headstones—inscriptions gone.

Ralph Green of Kilnwick Percy died June 1,1814, aged 51.

James Cook died Feb. 13. 1847, aged 78. Mary, his wife, died Dec 10. 1848, aged 79.

Wm., son of Wm and Jane Little died July 22. 1820, aged 19.

Jane, daughter of Wm and Jane Little of Tapham, died June 22. 1813, aged 17.

Wm. Flint died Dec 30. 1769 aged 63. (rest all worn)

An elaborately carved headstone—inscription gone.

On the Chancel East Wall.

In the memory of Thos. Pelling, Burton Stather in Lincolnshire, commonly call'd the flying man, who was killed against the battlement of the choir when coming down the rope from the steeple of this cburch. This fatal accident happened on the 14th and he was buried on the 16th of April 1733, exactly under the place where he died†

Restored by public subscription 1889.

John Thompson, inkeeper of Pocklington, died March 27. 1850, aged 33. John Wm, his son, died Sept. 18. 1850.

John Thompson died May 1. 1843, aged 32. Margaret, his wife, died Oct. 19. 1846, aged 59.

Mark Swann died June 6. 1850, aged 60.

Mary, daughter of Stephen and Frances Walsh, died May 8. 1840, aged 10 months. Elizabeth, their daughter, died Sept. 29. 1848, aged 3 years and 7 months.

Roger Wilson died.........

† Thomas Pelling was a travelling adventurer, his last performance before this being at Knaresborough. Amid a great company the rope was fixed to one of the pinnacles of the tower, the other end being attached to a windlass placed close to the Star Inn. Two iron rings were on the rope in which were inserted strong straps, one going round the chest and another round one leg, thus leaving
both arms and one leg free to pose with as he descended. He was assisted into these straps, and began to descend, when to his dismay he found the rope slacken. He called out to the men, but they unfortunately turned the windlass the wrong way, causing the poor man to come in violent contact with the east end of the chancel, fracturing his skull and causing instant death.

George, son of Thomas and Mary Wilson, died Feb. 28.1827. aged 18. Jane, their daughter, died Aug. 12. 1820, aged 9. Thomas Wilson died March 7. 1837, aged 56.

Richard Codd, gent, formerly of Hull, died Sept. 30, 1835, aged 72.

Ann, wife of Richard Simpson Cook, and daughter of Thomas and Mary Wilson died Sept. 22. 1844, aged 21.

Wm. Stubbs died Oct. 9. 1853, aged 80. Elizabeth, his wife, died Dec. 3. 1856, aged 76. Richard, their son, died Aug. 25. 1879, aged 52, and was interred in St. James' Cemetery, Toronto.

Margaret Hodgson died Aug. 27.1828, aged 21.

Emily, wife of George Winter of Kilnwick Percy, and youngest daughter of the Rev. H. Ingilby, Kirkleatham, Cleveland, died July 21, 1832, aged 29.

George Brown died Feb. 11. 1827, aged 26.

Mary, wife of Wm. Rispin, died May 30. 1794, age 63. Wm. Rispin died May 20. 1821, aged 81. Wm. their son, died Nov. 18. 1822, aged 55. Also 4 children died in infancy.

John Haxby Wright, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Wright, died March 5.1818. aged 3} years. Jane, their daughter, died Sept. 15. 1821, aged 9 weeks.

James Stathers, nearly 30 years a faithful servant to Robert Denison Esq, died Jan. 16. 1821, aged 65.

Sarah, wife of James Powell of Pocklington, attorney-at-law, died Nov. 1. 1805 aged 26. Mr. James Powell, father of the above James Powell, died July 3,1802 aged 72. Christiana, daughter of the first-named James Powell, died May 10. 1826, aged 84.

Isabella Bell died Dec. 14. 1809, aged 79.

Jane, wife of Henry Powell, attorney-at-law, died Jan. 5.1851, aged 46. Henry Powell died Sept. 8. 1862, aged 59. James Powell, attorney-at-law, died Nov. 11, 1848, aged 75.

Robert Judson died Aug. 30. 1842, aged 68.

Here lieth the body of William Rogerson, a Church Methodist, and at his right hand lie his two wives, who were of the same persuasion. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. W.R died Dec. 10,1819.

Ann Rogerson died Sept. 6. 1811, aged 74.

Ruth Rogerson, wife of Wm Rogerson, druggist of this town, died of a consumption Feb 27. 1805, aged 32. Thomas, their second son, died March 23.1820, aged 17.

Wm. Elliot died Feb. 9. 1840, aged 80. Isabella, his wife, died Oct. 29. 1849, aged 76.

Mary Ann, wife of John Singleton Esq. of Teresa Cottage, Pocklington died Nov.......

Eliza Silburn, daughter of James Powell, attorney-at-law, died Sept. 7. 1849, aired 49. James Silburn died April 17. 1852, aged 26. John Silburn, husband of Eliza, died May 28. 1867, aged 71.

John Burkin died May 7. 1850, aged 77. Elizabeth, his wife, died March 20.1814 aged 41. James, their son, died Oct. 12. 1801, aged 6. William died June 11.1810 aged 10.

Joseph Robinson, youngest son of Wm and Ann Rogerson, died of Confluent Small-pox Sept 6. 1820, aged 3.

Sarah, wife of Thomas Gilbertson, died Nov. 4. 1817 aged 56. Her infant son died 1799. Thomas Gilbertson died May 12. 1834, aged 78. Thomas their son died May 8.1838, aged 40.

Matthias Beck died March 2.1823, aged 72.

George Bagley, High Constable, died March 28.1852, aged 77.

John Shaw died Aug. 28. 1861, aged 70. Ann, his wife, died March 3.1857, aged 64. Charles, their son, died Sept. 18. 1849, aged 31.

William Stocks, son of Mary (daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Biass) and Charles Stocks, Pocklington, died Nov. 4. 1844, aged 19. Four children died in infancy. Christopher, their son, died Dec 10. 1851, aged 20.

John Lake, Master Mariner of Kingston-upon-Hull, died Aug. 20, 1788, aged 27.

Thomas West of Kingston-upon-Hull died June 6. 1813, aged 52. Nancy, his wife, died June 25. 1815, aged 42.

Ann Wrightson died Jan. 7. 1838, aged 70. Wm Johnson Wrightson, her husband, died July 6, 1882, aged 75. Wm Wray, brother to Ann Wrightson, died Jan. 8 1851, aged 68. John Wray, their father, died Feb. 17. 1819 aged 82. Elinor his wife died June 10. 1792, aged 56. John, their son, died June 6.1796, aged 27.

Matts Linton died June 5. 1764, aged 71. Isabella, his wife, Oct 30, 1737, aged 97. 4 children died in infancy. Thomas, their son, died April 5. 1802, aged 81. Elizabeth, his wife............

Matthias Linton of this place died March 6,1830, aged 73. Wm his son died June 17.1849, aged 53. Ann, daughter of Wm Linton and wife of Philip Darling, died Dec 1. 1851, aged 21.

Robert Ransome died Oct 6. 1809.......

Wm Linwood died July 22.1797, aged 42. 4 daughters died in infancy. Wm, son of John and Ann Linwood and grandson of the above Wm, died Sept 6,1822, aged 19 years, Frances, their daughter, died in infancy. Elizabeth, wife of Wm Linwood, died March 17. 1830, aged 75. Ann died April 2. 1834, aged 58. Thomas died Feb. 10. 1848, aged 55.

Thomas Richardson died Dec. 15. 1822, aged 48.

Clifford Swann died Dec 29. 1842, aged 90. Mary, his wife, died Feb. 2. 1833, aged 80. John, their son, died in London of the Cholera Aug. 23. 1832. Clifford and Thomas died in infancy.

Thomas, son of Wm and Elizabeth Richardson, died March 29.1818, aged 5. Henry and Ann died in infancy. Robert died March 7. 1822 aged 1. The above Wm died Feb 7.1823, aged 44.

Mary and Hannah, daughters of Robert and Jane Scaife, died in infancy. Wm died March 15. 1846, aged 7 months. Harriet died June 14. 1848, aged 4. Jane died in infancy. Jane, their mother, died Feb. 21. 1852, aged 36. Robert Scaife died March 22, 1860, aged 49.

Peter Quarton died April 27, 1746, aged 26.

George Chumley Overend, son of Timothy and Elizabeth Overend died Aug. 19 1801, aged 2. Elizabeth died April 10. 1804, in infancy.

Thomas Fallowfield, innkeeper, died April 27. 1828, aged 48. Grace, his wife, died Sept 12. 1839, aged 64. Jane his sister died Dec 19. 1841, aged 72.

Ann Wrangham (of Fridaythorpe) died June 11. 1769.

Thomas and Elizabeth English, children of Wm and Ann English, died Nov. 1848. Thomas aged 5 and Elizabeth 2½ years.

Sarah Thomas of Pocklington died March 18, 1863, aged 84.

Eliza Ann, daughter of John and Ann Horsley died Oct. 20. 1844, aged 4.

John Lund died July 30. 1851, aged 64.

E. F. 1829. M. E. F. 1835.

Scaife Wm Tinson, son of John and Eleanor Tinson died March 20. 1844, aged 2 Ann Elizabeth died Jan 8. 1848, aged 13 weeks.

Alice, daughter of John and Mary Dewsberry of Allerthorpe, died Dec 21.1795, aged 2. Jane died July 8. 1800, aged 5. John, their father, died April 24, 1812 aged 37. John Dewsberry, gent, his father died Aug. 9, 1794, aged 57.

On the next stone are these names, but the dates are obliterated:— Wm. Warterton......Ann Tinson......John Tinson......James Richardson.

Hannah, wife of Rich, Tasker of Wobut Mill died March 14. 1762, aged 65. Mary their daughter March 13, 1763. Richd Tasker died Feb 12.1790, aged 75.

George, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Terry died Dec 4.1800, aged 3. Thomas Terry died at York June 28. 1806, aged 45. Elizabeth, his wife, died at York, March 11. 1829, aged 65.

John Terrey, attorney-at-law of this place, died Sept 24.1797, aged 32. Richard Seymour Terrey, his son, died......... Joseph Terrey died.........

Emmey, wife of Wm Lawrence, died Aug. 22. 1844, aged 39.

Wm Dewsberry of Allerthorpe died Sept.......... 1745.

Mary daughter of John and Sarah Cobb of Sheffield, died July 16, 1789. aged 4.

Hugh Ibbetson died April 23, 1787 aged 55. Dorothy, his wife, died Dec 29,1795, aged 67. (He was " slain by ye falling of a building at Kilwick Piercy. Registers)

John Easton of Pocklington died April 21. 1808, aged 66. Mary, his daughter, died May 8. 1810, aged 10. Mary, his wife, died Aug. 4, 1825 aged 66.

Ann Judson, relict of Wm Judson, builder, died Dec. 30,1844, aged 43. James Catton Scaife died July 3.1850, aged 36. Jane Powell, wife of Henry Powell, attorney-at-law, died Jan. 5. 1851, aged 46. Ann Scaife, wife of Thomas Scaife senr and mother of the above died Jan. 23. 1855, aged 76.

Thomas Catton died Feb. 12.1820, aged 80. Thomas, his son, died Feb. 17, 1816, aged 25. Ann, his wife, died Jan 12. 1834, aged 83.

Robert Catton died June 19.1822, aged 67. Robert, his son, April 16. 1822, aged 32. Four sons in infancy. Elisabeth Rex, his daughter, June 30. 1822, aged 28, and her infant child, whose remains are interred at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Wm Robert Rex died April 17. 1830, aged 9. Emily Catton died Jan. 4. 1838, aged 33. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Catton died Nov. 15. 1842, aged 50.(sic see * Note).

Ralph Johnson, inn-keeper of Pocklington, died Oct. 18. 1853, aged 72.

Robert Richardson died Sept 27. 1820, aged 31. Also 2 children died in infancy.

Frances Richardson of Allerthorpe died March 1. 1789, aged 61. John Hewitt, gardener, died May 16. 1807, aged 79. Jane, daughter of Frances Richardson, died Oct 8. 1821, aged 61.

George Carter died Oct. 29.1889, aged 30.

Esther Maria, wife of William Lamb of Pocklington, died Sept 20. 1812, aged 54. Elizabeth and John, their children, died in infancy.

George Beard, cord-wainer, died May 1. 1812, aged 66. Mary, his wife, died Nov. 15. 1883, aged 82. Elizabeth Brigham, their daughter died Sept. 11. 1842, aged 56.

Dinah Cobb, daughter of John and Ellen Cobb of Pocklington died April 2. 1848, aged 38. Ellen Cobb, her mother, died April 8. 1812. aged 24. Also 2 children.

Wm Richardson, stone mason of this place, died March 12. 1834, aged 44.

Robert, son of Wm and Susanna Richardson died May 16. 1826, aged 16 months. Elizabeth, their daughter, died Aug. 6. 1831 aged 2 years. Also Elizabeth, their daughter died Jan. 9 1836 aged 17 months.

Thomas Blanchard died July 18. 1850, aged 59. James and Ann, his children, died in infancy. Elizabeth Blanchard............

Margaret, wife of Robert Jackson, died Sept 9. 1819, aged 25.

Susanna, wife of John Martindale died Nov. 27. 1839, aged 39. Ann Tinson Martindale, their daughter, died Aug. 28. 1831, aged 3. Selina died Feb 25. 1840, aged 3 months. Mary, second wife of John Martindale died Oct 10. 1850, aged 55, Thomas died Oct. 26.1848, aged 13.

Richard Donn of Pocklington died May 31, 1854, aged 63.

Susanna, wife of John Gray, died Jan. 9. 1802, aged 62.

A carved head-stone—inscription gone.

Wm Thomas, son of Wm and Elizabeth Thorpe, of this place, died Jan 31. 1803, aged 17 weeks.

John Harte of Allerthorpe died July 16. 1823, aged 74. Elizabeth, his wife, Aug. 10. 1823, aged 77.

Sarah Susanna, daughter of John and Elizabeth Kelsey, died Dec 11. 1838, aged 9 months. Elizabeth died Sept. 23. 1848, aged 8 years.

Frances Rechanna, daughter of George and Ann Kelsey, died April 22. 1846, aged 19.

John Fryer died April 15. 1831, aged 45. Wm, his son, March 24. 1833, aged 19. John, Sept 13. 1844, aged 17: and a daughter died in infancy.

John Nicholson died Sept. 17. 1833, aged 89. Hannah, his wife, June 16,1801, aged 44. Thomas, his son, April 18. 1789, aged 2.

Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary Nicholson died Oct. 13. 1826, aged 15.

Mary, wife of Thomas Nicholson, died Dec. 27. 1844, aged 63. Thomas Nicholson died Oct 8. 1846, aged 57.

Wm Stables, eldest son of Samuel and Elizabeth Stables of Foston, died May 3. 1799, aged 6.

Mary, wife of Wm Leuty and daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Wilson of Towthorpe, died March 17. 1844, aged 57.

Elizabeth Staveley died April 28.1765. She was first married to Thomas Stephenson, and after his death to Thomas Staveley who also left her a widow. Alice daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Staveley died April 13. 1774, aged 80. Mary daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Stephenson died June 22,1783, aged 74.

The following are on the south side and close to the church.

John Loftus, Parish Clerk 17 years, died Dec 24. 1847, aged 66. His father and grandfather held the same office many years.

Wm Pinder, innkeeper, died April 20. 1803, aged 46. Eleanor, his wife, Feb. 23. 1801, aged 47. James Pinder, May 6, 1801, aged 41.

George Loftus. son of Thomas and Ann Loftus, died Dec. 1. 1849, aged 72. Mary, wife of George Loftus, died 20 Jan. 1818, aged 40. William, son ......... Mary .........Thos. Loftus.........

Motto. Loyal au mort. Arms. Sable, a chevron engrailed between 8 trefoils slipped argent. Motto. Preud mois tel que je suis.

John Bagley died May 18. 1812, aged 32. Wm, his father, died Dec 3, 1804, aged 72. Mary, his sister, died April 19. 1808, aged 29. James, his brother, died Sept. 16. 1808, aged 39. Hannah, his mother, died March 8. 1809, aged 75. (Mural tablet)

Elizabeth, wife of Robert Skelton of Pocklington, died April 1. 1836, aged 26. (Mural tablet.)

Thomas Staveley died May 31.1808, aged 67. Ann, his widow, Oct. 31. 1831, aged 88. (Children.) Thomas, died March 1. 1850, aged 62. Mary, March 1. 1850, aged 66. Stephen, Feb. 14. 1851, aged 79. Wm, June 25. 1856, aged 66. (Mural.)

Richard Bell died Oct 1. 1755. Richard Bell jun July 7. 1756, aged 81. Hannah, his wife, March 27. 1786, aged 62. John Bell, surgeon, son of Richard and Hannah Bell, died April 10. 1836, aged 90. Mary Bell, his wife, née Fotherby, died Feb. 19. 1820, aged 70. (Mural.)

Eliza, daughter of John and Elizabeth Jackson, died Jan. 16. 1823, aged 2.

Harriet, wife of Wm Thirkell of Scarborough died at Pocklington, Nov. 28. 1852 aged 30.

Thomas Staveley, butcher, died June 12. 1847, aged 75. Elizabeth, his widow, Jan. 17. 1848, aged 71.

James Askham died Sept 24. 1840, aged 67. Elizabeth, his wife, June 7. 1864 aged 86. Wm and George, their sons, died in infancy.

Jane, wife of Joseph Philips Esq, of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law, died Sept 7.1859, aged 47. Jane, their youngest daughter died Dec. 18. 1856 on her 8th birthday.

In the corner formed by the intersection of the chancel and the south transept is an altar-tomb having on it a shield of arms, and a long inscription—both much weather-worn. It is to the memory of a "Mr Gyles Bateson" and "Mrs Isabella Bateson," his widow. (See inscr. on 2nd bell) (Many years ago a house was broken into at Pocklington, and the thieves removed a pannel from the side of this tomb and hid the stolen goods therein, where they remained for a long period. Some passerby seeing a pannel was loose gave it a push and the nefariously hidden articles were thus discovered.)

* In an email from Rachel Bright - She points out that Elizabeth would have been 80 not 50. However, Leadman prints it as 50 in the original source.