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> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2024)
> The Sothebys
> Pocklington and the Sea
> Historical Horrors
> Allerthorpe Walk
> D-Day talk
> The 2024 AGM & Talk
> 18th Century Pocklington
> Two Short Talks
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2023)
> Old Shops part 2
> Pocklington Local History Group
  20th Mar 2025 - Mapping & AGM

> Pocklington Local History Group
  28th Mar 2025 - Revealing the shield

> Pocklington Local History Group
  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
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epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

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The Lost Inns of Pocklington
The Bay Horse was one of the Inns of Pocklington, now lost to the town many years ago. Neave states that In 1756 there were 32 Alehouses, 10 of which were unlicenced, and this dropped to 12 by 1782. This may have been due to the influence of John Wesley who visited the town to preach on many occasions.
Bay Horse
William Watson's map of 1844 shows the location of the Bay Horse Inn.
Landlords of the Bay Horse Inn:
1823 Baines Ralph Johnson, Market Place
1834 Pigots
Thomas Richardson, Market Place
1841 Census Thomas Richardson, Age 30, Blacksmith
1840 Whites Thomas Richardson, Market Place
1844 Williams Rt. Cooper - Market Place
1851 Census George Elias, Age 26, Publican
1858 Whites G. Elias - Market Place
1861 Census Emily Isarkson shown as Wife not landlady which indicates her husband was away.
1871 Census Henry Donkin, Age 52, Farmer & Beerhouse keeper
1881 Census Not present
Other early Inns Reference
The King's Head Neave - closed by the late c18
The Globe Neave - closed by the late c18
The Naggs Head Neave - closed by the late c18
The Rose & Crown Neave - closed by the late c18 in George St.
The Black Horse Neave - has it closed by the late c18
QDT/2/15/4 1757 Alehouse Recognisance - John Wisker at the 'Black Horse
The Dog Neave - has it closed by the late c18
QDT/2/15/4 1757 Alehouse Recognisance - Benjamin Farbotham at the 'Dog'
The Three Muggs Neave - has it closed by the late c18
QDT/2/15/4 1757 Alehouse Recognisance - James Blewman at the '3 Muggs'
The Half Moon Neave - closed by the late c18
QDT/2/15/4 1757 Alehouse Recognisance - John Ibbetson at the 'Half Moon'
The Butcher Bill Neave - closed by the late c18
The Butcher's Arms York Courant, Mar 27, 1753 advert

To cover Mares this season, at Mr Godfrey's in Market Weighton, at half a guinea a Mare, and one shilling the man. The chestnut horse Jack-come-tickle-me. He was bred by Mr Wilberfoss Reed, of Grimthorp, near Pocklington, he was by the son of the Tholouse Barb, his Dam, by Royal, and out of a daughter of Merlin. He won Fifty Eight pounds, and two matches, and beat the famous Horse Rib, at New-Malton. -- Good grass will be provided for Mares that come to stay. N.B. He will be at the Black Bull in Cave, on Mondays, and the Butchers Arms, in Pocklington on Saturdays.
The Canal Inn - (This inn was in addition to the inn at Canal Head, called the Wellington or 'The Wellington Oak' ) 1841 Census - David Cobb, Inn Keeper
1840 White's dirrectory - David Cobb
1844 Williams - Francis Thurlow
1851 census - John Marshall
1858 White's - John Marshall
1861 Census - William Ward, publican & Labourer (Manure works) (n.b. William Ward was publication of the Wellington Oak 1840-1844)
The Carrier's Arms In London Street, in 1841 Census, Elizabeth Johnson, Age 23, Inn Keeper
Waterloo Hotel

1832 York Herald (16 June) - John Bowes landlord
1834 Pigots - John Bowes (just called the Waterloo)
1841 Census - Mary Grant, Age 45, Innkeeper
1844 Williams - Mary Grant, Waterloo Buildings
1851 Census - Mary Grant, Age 59, Innkeeper
1858 Whites - Mary Grant, Waterloo Buildings
1879 Post Office - Edward Cundall
1889 Kellys - Mrs Robert Cundell
1892 Bulmers - George Crofton
1898 Kellys - George Crofton
1905 Kellys - William Johnson
1909 Kellys - Emmanuel Butcher
1913 Kellys - Richard William Hotham
1921 Kellys - No mention of Hotel

Waterloo Hotel
The York Herald - Jan 7th 1880
Leeds Mercury 1820
The Leeds Mercury, March 4th, 1820
Leeds Mercury 1856
The Leeds Mercury, January 12th, 1856

If you wish to add to the story of the old Pocklington Inns, or correct any of the above information, then please contact me.