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Market Place Market Place
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Regent Street Regent Street
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Chapmangate Chapmangate
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The Dean of York - Pocklington Manor
From Lawton's Collections Relative to the Dioceses of York and Ripon by George Lawton :
The Church of Pocklington, in which a Chantry was founded, was given by King Henry I to Gerard, Archbishop of York, and the Deans of York, together with the Chapels within the Soke therof, to be as free and quit from Espicopal jurisdiction as are the possessions of the Prebendaries of York, and a Vicarage was ordained therein, 8th November, 1252.
(Early Yorkshire Charters records this transfer around 1122).
In 1410 John Prophet (Dean of York) converts his residence in Pocklington into a Tythe Barn. (See references below).
Titthe Barn
The location of the Tythe Barn
1844 Watson

1844 Easton’s Directory (index to Watson’s 1844 map)

South End
1. Cart Shed – Mrs Weddell (owner)
2. Carr William Carter – Mrs Weddell (owner)
3. Sellers Thomas Horse Breaker – Mrs Weddell (owner)
4. Garden – Mrs Weddell (owner)
5. Stable – Mrs Weddell
6. Barn – R. Denison Esq. (owner)
7. Gateway

Deans Lane
1. Howbrig John, Shoemaker - Mrs Weddell (owner)
2,. Space - Mrs Weddall (owner)
3. Cobb John, Wheelwright - Mrs Weddall (owner)
4. & 5. Space
6. New Street and South End
7. Space
8. Toll House - R. Denison Esq. (owner)
9. space
10. Dixon Jane - Mrs Weddall (owner)
11. Regit Mary - Mrs Weddall (owner)
12. unoccupied - Mrs Weddall (owner)
13. space
14. Clark John - Mrs Weddall (owner)
15. Out Building - Mrs Weddall (owner)
16. Winter James - Mrs Weddall (owner)
17. space

The other interesting entry here is that of the Toll House owned by Robert Denison (Lord of the Manor). Toll Houses are usually associated with Turnpike Roads, but in this case was more likely for the payment of Market Tolls or Tithes for the Manor. It is perfectly situated off Market Place for this purpose, and near to the old Dean's Manor House/Tithe Barn for tithe collections.
An explanation of Market Tolls can be found here.

Deans Manor
Map showing the Dean of York's properties and lands including White Mill and Clock Mill
deans lanedeans lane 2
National School
The National School built on the garth site of the old Dean of York's Manor house which was converted in 1410 into a Tithe Barn
1855 Watson map
1855 Watson Map showing the newly built school on the Garth Site
From the early 12th century Pocklington was the centre of the Dean of York's valuable East Riding estate.

His Pocklington manor included a manor house and garth, two mills, lands on West Green, in the town centre and along Burnby Lane and Kilnwick Road and a few town centre houses. He also collected church tythes from all Pocklington landowners.

His estate included lands and/or land and mill tythes in Allerthorpe; Hayton, Bielby and Storthwaite (Storwood); Barmby Moor; Kilnwick Percy; Yapham and Meltonby; Burnby; Millington; Fangfoss; East Givendale; Great Givendale; Grimthorpe and Ousethorpe and Waplington.

The Dean also maintained his own Peculiar Court of Pocklington that approved wills and leases in addition to ruling on ecclesiastical matters such as blasphemy and not going to church.

Many medieval Deans of York were absentee, and did not visit York, never mind Pocklington. One notable exceptions was John Prophete, dean from 1407-1416, and also Prebend of Bugthorpe and secretary and Keeper of the Privy Seal to King Henry IV. He is sometimes listed as "John Prophete of Pocklington" and was the person who decided that all the dean's houses had been let fall into disrepair by his predecessors, so he refurbished the house at Thornton to live in and converted the rest into tythe barns and farm buildings. He left instructions that he should be buried in his "parochial church of Pocklington" if he died in the East Riding (in the event he died in the south of England).

The dean's manor house at Thornton, next door to the church, survived until the 17th century. From the 16th century onwards the dean leased out the tythes, rather than collecting them himself, with the lessors often being notable East Riding dignatories. The tythes and peculiar were dissolved in the 19th century and dean's Pocklington estate was sold in 1853.

(Text by Phil Gilbank)
References to the Deans manor
1122 (Early Yorkshire Charters) EYC, vol.1, pp.333 -37; C.Ing.Misc. vol.2, pp.2 -3. Henry I on his Yorkshire tour informs the reeve and minister of Pocklington that he has granted the tithes of Pocklington and Kilham to Hugh Dean of York. Here is also Henry I's gift of lands at Kilham, Pickering and Pocklington to the Dean of York dependent upon the provision of daily doles and winter clothing for fifty poor people in these places.
1119 & 1129 List of medieval hospitals in Yorkshire PH Cullum’s researches have led her to identify a hospital in Pocklington (for the poor, sick and infirm) which was analogous in aim and foundation to those at Kilham and Pickering. Its title is unknown, the foundation between about 1119 and 1129 was attributed to king Henry I and the patronage came from the Dean of York. Similarly, there is no information about when the hospital came to an end but it probably collapsed about the same time as the others and from the same causes; the expropriation of ecclesiastical resources by Henry VIII.
1136-1142 Reg. Mag. Album, pt. ii, f. 12. Grant by Adelwald, bishop of Carlisle, to the deanery of York and to William, dean, and his successors, of tithes of the mills of Pocklington and of his demesne and the whole soc, as appointed and confirmed by Henry I
Volume 41 Selden Society
The court case of two men accused of raiding the Dean of York's Pocklington property in 1312 (in a volume of selected court cases from the reign of Edward II).

The reference is that Master Robert Pickering, Dean of York, claimed that William of Sayles and Stephen of Carlton in Lindrick 'by force and arms the close and house of the said Dean at Pocklington did enter and his goods and chattels to the value of £40 therein lying did take and carry away and other offences. The same Master Robert complains that the aforesaid William on St Bartholomew's Day 6 Edward II with force and arms, to wit, with swords, bows and arrows, and his goods and chattels, to wit, his corn, barley, oats, peasen and hay, says he has suffered loss and has damage to the value of £100.'
William denied the charges but Stephen admitted his guilt.
19 Dec 1409

John Prophet (Dean of York) decides his residence in Pocklington should be converted into a Tithe Barn and make his main residence at Thornton.
'Lateran Regesta 147: 1410-1411', Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 6: 1404-1415 (1904), pp. 213-229.
1410. 18 Kal. Dec. Castel San Pietro, near Bologna. (f. 42d)
Confirmation, at the petition of John Prophete, dean of York, of the sealed letters of the chapter of York, dated in the chapter-house 19 Dec. 1409, setting forth his intention to repair certain buildings, habitations or manors situate within the bounds of the parish church, anciently appropriated to the deanery, of Pokelyngton, and ruined by the neglect of certain of his predecessors; and decreeing, after ocular enquiry by certain of the canons residentiary, that of the said buildings etc. one, namely the manor of Thornton, is and shall be sufficient and more suitable than the others for the habitation of the dean, and shall alone be repaired for that purpose, and that the others, being fit for rural and domestic purposes, shall be repaired for the storing of tithe fruits and for other farm purposes (administracionibus iconomicis exequendis) only. Ad fut. rei mem. Ea que pro commodo.
3 Jan 1541

From Deanery Leases S3(5)a Minster Archives
Richard Layton Dean demised to Tho. Hawclyffe all the tyth corn and hay growing in the townfields of Pocklington with 4 oxgangs of land, certain cottages and closes and a water miln there for the term of 60 years at the yearly rent of £21-0-0
20 Jun 1617

From Deanery Leases 1617-1668 Minster Archives
This indenture the twentieth day of June in the yeare of our lord god, one thousande Six hund’redth and seaentene, and in the yeares of the reaigne of our soveraigne lord James, by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ireland King defender of the faith, the Fiftenth and of Scotland the fiftieth Betwene the right worptt George Meriton docr of Divinitie Dean of the Cathedll and Metroppcall church of St Peter of York on th’one ptie and Thomas Dolman of Pocklington in the countie of York gent, on th’other ptie, wittnejseth, that the said deane, aswell for and in consideration of a certaine sume of money to him in hande, before then sealdinge and delivery of theise presentes by the said Thomas Dolman, well and truly satisfied contented and paid, as also for divers other good causes and consideracons him especially moveinge, Hath demised graunted and to ferme letten, and by these presentes for him and his successors deanes of the said Cathedll church of york, doth demise graunte and to ferme let unto the said Thomas Dolman, all that the watermilne and milne house, called the white milne also Hodgson milne, and the water and water courses to the same belongeing and appleinge with the garthe or yearde called the milne garthe, or milne close, with th’apptenances sett lyinge and beinge at the south west end of Pocklington aforesaid, And all that the house or tenement in the market stead in Pocklington aforesaid, nowe or late in the tenure or occupacon of Henry Tarruer/Tarrver or his Assigns, And the garth, and all other groundes, edifices and buildings, to the said house or tenement belongeinge or apperteininge, with all and singular th’aptenances; And all that the chamber and garth or garden in Pocklington aforesaid, nowe or late in the occupation of one William Dewsburye or his assignes; And all other houses buildeings and grounds to the said Chamber garth or garden belongeinge, or that doth, or of right ought to belonge and apptaine, to the Deane aforesaid or to his successors Deanes of the said Cathedll Church, that now is or late was in the occupation of the said William Dewsburye, or of his assignes, And all that the tythes, of corne and hay of East Givingdale and Millington, pcell of and belongeinge to the pishe church of greate Givingdale in said countie of york; And the parcell of grounde in Millington afore said, whereon in times past, the tythe barne or laythe did stande, And all the tythes of the windemilne, late builded by one Mr George Hall, Sett lyinge and beninge in the fieldes of Allerthorpe in the countye of yorke, aforesaid, To have and to hold, the said water milne and milne house called white milne also hodgson milne, and all and Singuler other the premises before mentioned to be demised and graunted, with all and singular their and every of their appurtenances, whatsoever, unto the said Thomas Dolman, his executors Administrators and assignes, from the makeinge heareof unto the full end and terme of twentie and one yeares, nowe next followinge fully to be complete expired and ended in as ample and large maner and forme, as any farmer occupier or possesser of the same have at any time hearetofore lawfully occupied the premises, or any parte thereof; Yeeldeinge and payinge therefore yearely, duringe all the said terme of twentie and one yeares onto the said deane of yorke, and to his Successors deans of the said Cathedll church, or to his or their assigne or assignes for the said water milne, and other the premises to the same belongeings, three poundes six shillings eight pence; And for the said house or tenement, nowe or late in the occupation of the said Henry Tarruer/Tarrver or his assignes, and other the premissis to the same appteininge, thirteen shillings and foure pence; And for the said Chamber garth or garden and other the premises, to the same belongeinge, foure shillings and one pennye, of lawfull money of England, at the feaste of Penthecost, and St Martin the Byshopp in winter, by equall portions, within the parishe church of Pocklington aforesaid. And also payinge yearely duringe all the said terms, of twentie & one yeares, to the said deane and his successors, or to his or their assignes, or lawfull assignes. For the said tythes of East Givingdale and Millington, the yearely rente or sume of nine poundes, and for the tythes of the said winde milne, foure shillings of lawfull englishe money, At the feastes of St Peter ad vincula, comonly called Lamas, and the Purificacon of the blessed virgin Marye, by even and equall portions, within the parishe church of Pocklington aforesaid.

From Deanery Leases 1617-1668 Minster Archives
A Messuadge or tenement and a milne in Pocklington called the Clook milne graunted to John Sotheby for xxitie yeares This Indenture made the eight of August, in the yeare of our lord god, one thowsand six hundreth and seaventene, and in the yeares of the reagnie of our soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god, kinge of England, Scotland Fraunce and Irelande, defender of the faith, Sc? that is to say of England Fraunce and Ireland, the fiftenth and of Scotland the one and Fiftieth; Betwene the right worptt George Meriton docr of divinitie deane of the cathedll and metroppcall church of St Peter of yorke, on th’one ptie; and John Sotheby of Pocklington in the Countie of yorke miler on th’other ptie; Wittnyseth, that the said George Meriton, dene of the said Cathedll and metroppcane church of St Peter of yorke aswell for and in Consederacon, of the surrendringe and giveinge Up, of all his the said John Sotheby estate, right title, interest and terme of yeares of and in one messuadge, or tenemente, and water corne milne, in Pocklington afore said into the handes of the said deane, before then sealeinge and deliverie heareof, as also for divers other Good causes, and Considerations, him the said deane heareonto specially moveinge; Hath demised, graunted, and to farme letten, and by theise presentes for him and his successors deanes of the said Cathedll church of yorke, doth demise graunte and to farme lett, unto the said John Sotheby, all that his messuadge or tenemente scituate in St Ellengate, in Pocklington afore said, Called the millners coate, also Coate house, And also one water corne milne, called the Clooke milne, scituate within the parishe of Pocklington afore said, with all and singuler their appurtenances, to the said same belongeinge; To have and to holde, the said messuage or tenemente, and milne, with their appurtenances unto the said, John Sotheby his executors, administrators, and assignes, from the makeinge heareof unto the full end and terme of twentie and one years, then next followinge and fully to be complete finished and ended, Yeildeinge and payinge therfore yearely unto the said deane and his successors deanes of the said Cathedrall church of yorke, or to his or their assignes, the some of three poundes three shillinge and foure pence, of lawfull money of England, that is to say for the said messuadge or tenement, called the milners Cote, also Cotehouse. Ten shillinge, and for the said milne, fiftie three shillings foure pence, at the feaste of St Martin the Bushupp in winter, and Penthecost, by even portions, or within twentie dayes next after either of the said feastes, if the same be lawfully asked or demaunded; And the said John Sotheby for him, his exetutors administrators and assignes, Covenanteth and graunteth, to and with the said deane, and his successors deanes of the said Cathedll Church by these presents, that he the said John Sotherby, his executors administrators, and assignes, shall and will at his and their owne pper costs and Chardges, well and sufficiently, repaire mainteine and uphould the said messuadge or tenement, and milne, in and with all maner of repararions whatsoever, when and as often at need shall require, duringe the said terme of twentie and one yeares, and the same soe sufficiently repaired mainteined and uphoulden, as is afore said, at th’end of the said terme shall, leave and yield upp any thinge in theise presente Indentures conteined to the contrary in any wise not with standeinge, In Wittnes wheareof the parties above said, to theise presente Indentures, have interchaungeably putt handes and seales, the day and yeare first above written

From Deanery Leases 1617-1668 Minster Archives
The tyeth corne & hay of Pocklington, or pcell of ground, or tenement, & garden, & foure oxgangs of lande, & a halfe well to Sir Ralph Hansbye kt for three lives

Extract ... 'All the tyeth Corne and hay groweinge rendnewinge and Comdinge, in the towne and fields of Pocklington aforesaid, with all and singular the appurtenances ther unto belonginge, and one certaine parcell of ground with th’appurtenances within the said towne of Pocklington, wheare sometymes or tyeth layth, belonginge unto the said tyethes did stand builded, and in which pcell of ground one tyeth barne or layth is nowe of laite builded, which said parcell of ground doth lye betwene a comon way called the deane lane of the east side, and one tenement, sometyme one William Wormes & his wives on the west side, abuttinge at the North end of a tenement of the kings mats that nowe is, And at the south end, of the south field of Pocklington aforesaid One tenement and one garden with th’appurtenances lyinge in the said towne of Pocklington sometymes in the tenure of one Richard Yooton, and afterwards in the holdinge of one Richard Bowerman gentleman & after in the occupation of one William Smith Husbandman, as the same then layd abutteinge upon the east parte, upon a litle way Called downe spaits and of the west of one other tenement appertaininge unto the said deanrie, haveinge betwene them one well, and of the south pte abuttine upon a highway and towards the south field of Pocklington, and of the north pte upon the Markett place of Pocklington aforesaid, And also the one halfe of the said well with free libertye to have and drawe water att all tymes at the said well without lett or disturbance of any tenant of the said other tenement for the tyme beinge; And also one Close with the appurtenances in the said towne of Pocklington sometymes in the tenure of one Thomas Penrith, and after in the tenure of John Heron and William Dolman abuttinge in length torwards the east on the tenement sometymes one Richard Goodes, and laite William dobsons, and torwards the west on a Certaine Water milne called Odshawe milne apperteininge to the same deanries, and in breadth torwards the south upon Pocklington field, and towards the north, on the Comon more called Besyne Moore; And also foure oxgangs of land With the appurtenances lyinge in the fields of Pocklington, and all his meadowes ther with all and every their appurtenances; To have and to holde the said tyethes of Corne and hay pcell of ground, and barne, the said tenements garden and halfe well, and the said Close, the said foure oxgangs of land and meadowes, and all other the premisses with the appurtenances before menconed to be demised and every pte and pcell therof, unto the said Sir Ralph Hansbye knight his executors administrators & assignes in as lardge ample and beneficiall manor as the same weareby him at any tyme hearetofore occupyed and enioyed, from henceforth for and owinge the lives naturall of him the said Sir Ralph Hansbye knight and dame Etheareld Hansbye his nowe wife, And Anne Hansbye daughter of the said Sir Ralph and the longesh lives of them; Yieldeinge and payinge for the said tyethes, and for the said pcell of ground in which the said barne nowe is yearely duringe the lyves of the said Sir Ralph Hansbye dame Etheareld his said wife, and Anne Hansbye his said daughter and duringe the life of the longest lives of them the some of twentye and one pounde of lawfull money of England.'
1 Oct 1706


East Riding of Yorkshire Archives and
Records Service
Lease for three lives for land in Pocklington
1 Item
Parties: 1) Honourable Henry Finch, Dean of York 2) Goodeth Belt of Bossall widow Property: tithe corn and hay in Pocklington; parcel with tithe barn on it (Deans Lane East; South Fields South); tenement and garden; (a little way called Downe Spints North; highway South; Market Place North) with half share of a well; close (Todshaw Mill West; Beseque Moor North); and four oxgangs Witnbesses: Robert Squire,
Nicholas Suger junior
20 Sep 1718

From Deanery Leases S3 (5)a Minster Archives
H. Finch Dean demised the premises viz. all the tyth corn and hay growing in the townfields of Pocklington. One tyth barn and garth, one tenement and garden and half of a well, one close and 4 oxgs of land with their appertenanced for the term of 3 lifes. (Margin Leo Belt, Robert Belt aged 40, John Read £24-6-8) Paying on Candlemas and lammas day at Haxbies tomb the annual rent of £24-6-8. The lessee pays all taxes and repairs to the chancel.
16 May 1729
H- tells me Mr Belt lets these Glebe lets for £70 per ann. for 3 years but I fancy they are worth more.
26 Apr 1746 Renewed this lease to Robt. Belt esq. aged 22 years son on Robt. Belt esq. deceased whose life was in the former lease, who owned the tithes, glebe, lets of the parsonage was now let to two tenants at the yearly of £80-13-6 from which was deducted the reserved rent of £24-16-7 remains clear of £56-6-10 at which rental the fine was fixed at £3.0-0.
12 Dec 1751 Renewed this lease to John Read Alderman of York, Robert Read the elder being dead, the life now added was Johnathon Branfoot eldest son of the Revd. John Branfoot vicar of Bossall near York aged 15 years. His estate was given in as now let for £82-3-6 per ann.with reserved rent of £24-6-8 clear value £57-16-10. The fine taken was two years value £115.13-0. One old life being 2 year lease viz. J. Read aged 73.
31 Aug 1754 Renewed to Wm Read Esq. whose life was now added upon the death of John Read. The fine taken was one year 3/4ths £101-4-5.5
From Deanery Leases S3 (5)c Minster Archives
The three lives in this lease are William Read Esq. Aged 38 years, Robert Belt of Bossall aged 31 years, Johnathon Branfoot son of J. Branfoot vicar of Bossall aged 18 years. Memorandum An inclosure having being made since this last renewal of the town fields at Pocklington. A clear rent is fixed by Act of Parliament (of £100) per ann. in lieu of tyths of corn and hay. The value of the Glebe is also considerably improved of inclosed lands given in lieu of the old glebe now inclosed. There is also £15 per ann. fixed to be payed to the Dean in lieu of the tythe wool and lamb. - Vide the Act of Parliament obtained AD 1757
1793 Pocklington Rectory - Mr. Wm. Read being the last life left in the lease & being above 70 years of age and in an infirm state of health. He agreed with me to sell his interest in his lease with a small freehold of £3-14-0 per ann. for £600 deducting £50 towards the rebuilding of the tyth barn which had fallen down and by which terms in his lease he was obliged to support. I therefore now sold this lease hold estate to Robert Denison Esq. of Kilnwick Percy of 3 lives (of his own nameing) about 20 years. Purchase for the sum of £3348-16-07 for a small freehold estste belonging to Mr Read of Pocklington at 32 years. Purchase £118-8-0. Total £3467-4-8. Out of which £800 was paid to Mr Read including the £50 for rebuilding the tyth barn. Deduct £800. £2667-4-0 recieved from Mr Denison April 1793.
The lives of the new lease are
The said Robert Denison aged 32 years, Wm. Fenton son of James Fenton of Glasshouse in the parish of Rothwell aged 10 and David Dunderdale of Woodhouse Carr in the township of Leeds. Clothier. aged 20.
31 Oct 1817 Renewed this lease of Pocklington Rectory to the same Robert Denison Esq. for the lives of him. The said Robert Denison aged 56. The said William Fenton now of Doncaster aged 34 and of Robert Denison the younger aged 21 years son of the said Robert Denison the lessee.
22 Apr 1829 Pocklington Rectory - Renewed this lease to Robert Denison Esq. son of the late lessee for the lives of the present lessee aged 33 the same to C.Fenton aged 46 and Wm. Clarkson aged 23 son of G.Clarkson of Pocklington farmer. fine £461-14-8.
22 Apr 1829

Deeds Registry at Beverley
Deed EE 380 109

Indenture tripartite 22/4/1829           
( Also identical deed DG 90 107 13/12/1819 except Dean = George Markham)

  1. William Cockburn Doctor of Divinity  Dean of York
  2. Robert Denison of Elvington son and heir of Robert Denison of Kilnwick Percy
  3. William Mills, John Robert Mills, Joshua Mills all of York

Parcel of land with barn or laithe between
East -Dean’s Way
West -tenement formerly belonging to William Wormes and wife
North -abutting a tenement now or heretofore the King’s Majesty’s
South- Southfield of Pock & now in occupation of Francis Fallowfield

Also 2 tenements or dwelling houses lately erected and built on site of one tenement and garden formerly in the possession of Leonard Belt and afterwards William Read esq abutting
East- a little way called Downe Spints
West -another tenement appertaining to the Deanery ( having between them a well)
South- on the highway and towards the Southfield
North- Market Place
…. Now in the occupation of John Silburn, Matthew Beck, William Marshall and Richard Hall undertenants of Francis Fallowfield.

Also one close formerly in tenure of Thomas Penrith and afterwards John Heron and William Dolman and late in the occupation of William Read abutting
East- tenement formerly of one Richard Goodes and since William Hobson
West- water mill formerly called (T/J?)odshaw Mill and now called White Mill otherwise Hodgson’s mill appertaining to said Deanery
South- Pock field
North- Common Moor formerly called Besque Moor and now enclosed
Now in occupation of Rev Thomas Shield undertenant to Francis Fallowfield.

Also 6a 1r 16p land parcel of Hillfield in part called Kilnwick Gate Lands adjoining
East- Kilnwick Gate Closes
West -lands in the Brants allotted to Robert Dolman
North- on an old enclosure late of Robert Dolman
South -road to Kilnwick.

Also 2a 2r 29p of Hill Field in another part also called Kilnwick Gate lands adjoining
East -Brick Kiln Close
West- lands allotted to Robert Dolman
North- Kilnwick Road
South- lands in Long Sour(?) Toft Close and lands in Fair(?) Sour Tofts allotted to Robert Dolman

Also19a 2r 6p of South Moor Field part called Near Stone Hows, Far Stone Hows and Bottoms adjoining
East -Thomas Bagley’s long Thorn Close and on a road leading to Smelling Gap
West -Road to Bunby, on lands in Farr Stone Hows allotted to William Chambers and on Bottom Close late Robert Dolman’s
North- a new raod to Smelling Gap
South – William Chambers land in Clayfield on Thomas Bagley’s Long Thorn Close on Bishops Croft late Robert Dolman’s and lands allotted to the Dean.

Also 30a 1r 30p of Clayfield parts called Bishops Crofts Westlands Upper Sheetings Low Sheetings and Long Sheetings adjoining
North East – lands allotted to William Chambers
South East – Matthew Turner’s old enclosure
West – lands allotted to Goodwith Belt Jane Belt and Mary Belt
North West – William Chambers land
South West – Westlands Closes , part South Moorfield and Bottom Close.

Also 16a 3 r 18p of the Ings – parts called Tofts and Long Fall adjoining the Carr
East – lands allotted to the Belts
West and North – Robert Dolman’s in Ings
South- Belts.

Also 2a 2r 21p of the Common called Cowhold
South East – road to Allerthorpe
North West – Barmby Lordship
South West – Dean of York
North East – William Read and Barmby

Land of Dolmans had been transferred to the Dean of York at the time of enclosure.

1853 Admiral Duncombe buys the Dean of York estate from Robert Denison to combine it with the rest of the Manor and create a single Manor again.
1855 The tyth barn is demolished and replaced by the building of the National School by builder Thomas Grant on the Deans Garth site.
1879 A directory of 1879 records that ‘the National schools for 100 boys, 60 girls, and 100 infants, together with a house for the master, were erected in 1854 at a cost of (including the value of the site) upwards of £1,400: of this sum the Committee of Council paid £631, and the National Society contributed £60; the site was presented by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners (lately holders of land in the parish), and Admiral the Hon. Arthur Duncombe, their lessee.’ Admiral Duncombe was then Lord of the Manor.
13 Sep 1892
U DDCV/127/6
Hull History Centre
Agreement for Sale: for £3,300: Maj. Gen. C.W. Duncombe to James Thirsk of Beverley miller.
White Mill and 25ac.1r.10p. --: Plan.
  Thanks to Phil Gilbank, Jo Green, Sue Skelton, Heidi Woodhouse, Roger Bellingham and Andrew Sefton for this original research.